Creating a Virtual Oracle EBS Environment using Delphix v4.1

Since v4.0 Delphix has had the ability to Virtualise Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) environments - (Database, Database Tech Stack & Apps Tier), in this 2nd post I will provide a detailed walkthrough on how you can use Delphix to provision a Virtualised EBS environment.

Oracle EBS R12.1 Virtualisation

Since v4.0 Delphix has had the ability to Virtualise Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) environments - (Database, Database Tech Stack & Apps Tier), in this 2nd post I will provide a detailed walkthrough on how you can use Delphix to provision a Virtualised EBS environment. For this walkthrough I have built an R12.1.1 VIS environment running on a non-RAC Database server and single Application server with the directory structure below.

Oracle EBS R12.1 directory structure

Oracle EBS R12.1 directory structure

In my previous post Virtualising Oracle EBS with Delphix  I showed how to injest an Oracle R12.1 EBS environment into Delphix, I will now walkthrough the steps to provision a full Oracle EBS R12.1 environment (Database, Database Tech Stack & Apps Tier onto a non-RAC database server and single Application server.

Provision Database Tech Stack

From the Delphix console select your Environment dbTech Stack we created in part 1 of the Blog and select your Target Oracle EBS Database server and update the fields as required, if like me you prefer to have each EBS environment running as a different OS user select the 'Environment User' from the pick list.

dbTech Stack - Target Environment

dbTech Stack - Target Environment

Select your Target 'Group' and 'Snapshot Policy'

dbTech Stack - vFiles Configuration

dbTech Stack - vFiles Configuration

Click 'Next'

dbTech Stack - Hooks

dbTech Stack - Hooks

Review and Click 'Finish'

dbTech Stack - Summary

dbTech Stack - Summary

Provision EBS Virtual Database (VDB)

During the previous step we provision an EBS Oracle Home on the Target Database server, we can now use our new Virtual Oracle Home to provision our Virtual EBS Database (VDB). Enter database name and set the 'Environment User' to the same value as the previous step.

Provision VDB - Target Environment

Provision VDB - Target Environment

Provide VDB name and Group, Click Next

Provision VDB - VDB Configuration

Provision VDB - VDB Configuration

Click 'Next' on the Hooks screen. Review Summary and Click 'Finish' to start the VDB provision process.

Provision Apps Tier

We should now have our EBS Virtual database running on our Target Database Server out of it's own Virtual Oracle Home, the next step is to provision the Apps Tier. Select the Target EBS Apps Server and complete the 'Target Environment' form providing the 'applmg' account name the other details which will be used by the Oracle EBS adcfgclone process.

Provision Apps Tier - Target Environment

Provision Apps Tier - Target Environment

Click 'Next' Provide Name and Group and Click 'Next'

Provision Apps Tier- vFiles Configuration

Provision Apps Tier- vFiles Configuration

Click 'Next' on the Hooks screen Review the Summary and click 'Finish' to launch the provision of the AppsTier.

Provision Apps Tier - Hooks

Provision Apps Tier - Hooks

We have a now a provisioned a full Virtual EBS environment from our Delphix server running on our Target Database & Apps Server In the final part of this Trilogy I will show how you can use Delphix to provision an EBS environment in the Cloud.