The Biggest Constraint in Cloud Migrations—Data and Compliance
Migrate applications to the cloud 30% faster.
Migrating Apps to the Cloud Is Expensive, Complex, and Risky
Data is a key barrier to tapping into the speed, scalability, and cutting-edge services of the cloud
Cloud validation compliance
Companies must safeguard sensitive data during the validation phase encompassing testing, tuning, tooling, and re-sizing.
Integration challenges
Data dependencies, entanglements block a straightforward path to migrating app portfolios.
Inefficient cloud data sync
Continuously moving large volumes of data to the cloud disrupts production operations, consumes resources.
Testing requirements
Refactoring or replatforming migrated apps drives demanding requirements for test data availability.
Execute a Thin Migration
Instead of migrating all of your data environments, execute a thin migration. Delphix syncs production data to the cloud then enables you to provision virtual databases to rebuild environments for development, testing, and AI. Eliminate the need to migrate non-production environments that represent 90% of your data footprint.
Accelerate and De-Risk All Phases of Production Migration
Delphix also enables teams to migrate production workloads to the cloud faster and with greater confidence. Use APIs from Delphix to effortlessly sync production data to the cloud. Then provision, clean up, integrate, and version data to drive testing, cutover rehearsal, and production support.
Test applications using virtual data
Moving apps to the cloud requires testing, and testing requires test data. Delphix provisions virtual data to cloud environments in minutes
Test platform changes and new configurations
Test using full datasets to determine query performance
Test accuracy across systems using integrated datasets
Rehearse go-live processes
Delphix automatically migrates key elements of production environments to the cloud including app files, DB files, and databases.
Enable repeated cutover rehearsals and timings
Drive development of automations and safeguards to reduce downtime
Streamline migration to either IaaS or PaaS
Prep contingencies and boost readiness
Delphix maintains a granular record of data changes over time — retaining data in 100x less space than legacy technologies.
Efficiently archive on-prem data before cutover
Pre-provision production support environments
Easily roll back in case of data loss or corruption issues
Cutover using the latest data
Delphix quickly and efficiently syncs the latest production data to cloud environments.
Bandwidth-efficient cloud sync
Rebuild physical environments from virtual ones
Any cloud, any app support
Customer Booklet
Accelerate Your Cloud Journey
Find out how Delphix transforms data management for cloud projects. Discover how Delphix helped these six companies accelerate and simplify cloud migration while protecting sensitive and personal information.
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